Celebrate International Print Day with Us!

International Printing Day, Print Day

Did you know that this year’s International Print Day falls on October 20? Join us in celebrating the tactile joy of print and the wonder of the printed word on IPD21.

International Print Day was first inaugurated on October 8, 2014. It was launched by Deborah Corn, then Principal at Print Media Centr. Each year since, it has been celebrated in October on an international basis via the IPD website and on social media.

The 2021 event will be the eighth year that International Print Day has been celebrated. Each year has a different theme. Previous themes have included collaboration (2018) and Print Together (2019).

International Print Day theme 2021

In 2021, the theme for International Print Day is “Print Again”. While echoing the return to work many of us are enjoying following the disruption of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Print Again theme has actually been inspired by the revival of printed materials as an increasingly important part of the marketing mix.

It reflects a renaissance in print as consumers seek out novel and engaging experiences beyond the digital world.

It also highlights the growing trend for printed materials to cut through more decisively than digital marketing as our inboxes and news streams fill up with digital noise.

Get involved with International Print Day 2021

The organisers of International Print Day 2021 are encouraging everyone who is involved in printing or who loves to print to get involved on social media, using the hashtags #PrintAgain and #IPD21.

They invite you to share your printing success stories and let everyone know why print is better than ever!

If you would like to join in with other like-minded printing fans on International Print Day, please search using the #PrintAgain and #IPD21 hashtags as the day approaches. You can also find more details on the International Print Day website and the associated Printerverse podcast.

Still need more International Print Day facts?

Paper industry membership association Two Sides has produced a series of “factographics” to celebrate #IPD21. Each of these graphics showcases a little-known fact about the print and paper industries.

Find out more – and download the graphics to use – here: https://www.twosides.info/UK/international-print-day-2020/

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