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November 30, 2016

Published by Business Optimizer at November 30, 2016
“I can’t write poetry on a computer, man!” Quentin Tarantino Quentin Tarantino has a gift for making his characters come alive, so much so that he […]
November 24, 2016

Published by Business Optimizer at November 24, 2016
There is nothing more frustrating than problems with your home or office printer Paper creases, smudges and jams are not just costly in terms of wasted […]
November 17, 2016

Published by Business Optimizer at November 17, 2016
You’ve had a cup of coffee, your to-do list is written, and you’re ready to go. So why are you completely stuck, unable to start even […]
November 10, 2016

Published by Business Optimizer at November 10, 2016
It’s likely that you’ve never paid much attention to the index of something you’re reading for your own leisure purposes – a magazine or a work […]
November 3, 2016

Published by Business Optimizer at November 3, 2016
Did you know handwriting can be very useful to boost your productivity at the office? Handwriting can be extremely useful – not only does it help […]
October 31, 2016

Published by Business Optimizer at October 31, 2016
In Brazil, 200 000 people are reported missing every year and posters are the principal way to find them. There’s nothing that leaves more of a […]
October 27, 2016

Published by Business Optimizer at October 27, 2016
It isn’t so very long ago that we were impressed by clean, justified print in black and white. That alone would tell a prospective client or […]
October 20, 2016

Published by Business Optimizer at October 20, 2016
If you have a smartphone full of productivity helper apps, you’re not alone. Each new app to the market makes the claim that it’s better than […]
October 13, 2016

Published by Business Optimizer at October 13, 2016
Think back to the last time you had to deal with essential but dull paperwork. If you checked the clock after three hours to find that […]
October 7, 2016

Published by Business Optimizer at October 7, 2016
Are you constantly tired, even if you’ve had a really good night’s sleep? For morning fans of both caffeine and smartphones, that’s not surprising. If you […]
September 29, 2016

Published by Business Optimizer at September 29, 2016
When I see it on TV – and I turn on a game and both teams are in Nike, I mean, I just get a good […]
September 22, 2016

Published by Business Optimizer at September 22, 2016
Eucalyptus Globulus is regarded by experts all over the world as the ideal fibre for printing and writing paper. Its wood is made up of short […]
September 15, 2016

Published by Business Optimizer at September 15, 2016
We all want to be more productive; to get more done in less time, making us more efficient at work and affording us more free time […]
September 8, 2016

Published by Business Optimizer at September 8, 2016
Stress can affect our day-to-day lives and can also be damaging to our health if experienced on an ongoing basis. We all experience it in our […]
September 2, 2016

Published by Business Optimizer at September 2, 2016
You have to be a certain kind of person to want to become an entrepreneur and be able to become a success at it. Not everyone […]
August 30, 2016

Published by Business Optimizer at August 30, 2016
Once in your life, try something. Work hard at something. Try to change. Nothing bad can happen. Jack Ma, Founder and Executive Chairman of Alibaba Group […]
August 23, 2016

Published by Business Optimizer at August 23, 2016
We’ve made it to the final stage of the paper making process. We’ve taken you through growing the Eucalyptus globulus trees, harvesting the wood from them, […]
August 18, 2016

Published by Business Optimizer at August 18, 2016
Productivity is a tricky nut to crack. We are always looking for ways to become more productive, both at work and at home. Some people are […]
August 12, 2016

Published by Business Optimizer at August 12, 2016
They say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and perhaps the morning is the most important time of the day. How you […]
August 4, 2016

Published by Business Optimizer at August 4, 2016
People and businesses are constantly looking for new tools and apps that help them become more productive in their day to day lives, and new productivity […]